Writing and THE BOOK

I know. You’re going to ask, “How’s The Book coming?” And the truth is, I’ve been working on it.


Very. Slowly.

Because the easy parts are done. It’s just the initial (not very pleasant) chapter that looms ahead of me. And yeah, truth be told, I’m scared of rejections (which I know I’ll get) as I search for an agent.

But, the muppets are now three-years-old. And I finally got my hands on the 3,000 pages of medical records. So I’m kind of reinvigorated.

You’re presently accustomed to seeing a post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I wanted to let both of my loyal readers know that moving forward you’ll be seeing my witticisms Tuesday and Thursday (and this is not only just because no one reads blogs on Friday).

For you and perhaps partially for myself (it’s far to easy to get lost in the instant gratification of a blog post) I reiterate that I am not leaving this blog. I’ll still be posting muppet stories – and I’m certain some well-timed stories will need to go up immediately.

I love writing. I always have. And through this journey of infertility to fully formed family via the road less traveled of prematurity, it has also been therapeutic. This is part of the reason I am making a public declaration to focus more on that initial story.

I’ll still be writing just as much – and shall return to my regularly scheduled posts upon completion of my memoirs.

I leave you with a photo of Destroy – proof positive that I won’t be running out of ideas for posts anytime soon.



Filed under Admin

2 Responses to Writing and THE BOOK

  1. I can’t wait to read your book and I’ll be here reading whether you write once a year once a day.