Tag Archives: stubborn

My Mini Me

My terms

While one whirling dervish flung himself off stacks of mats and hurled himself up and over a balance structure twice his height – proudly chanting “POMMEL HORSE” at the top of his lungs, our other son was quiet.

This was not our most stellar gymnastics class outing. Continue reading


Can You Hear Me Now?

One month ago Muppets were off to the hearing clinic for preemie follow up. I was really hoping they didn’t put significant effort into fooling the audiologists with their ninja-like ability to ignore anything that doesn’t capture their interest. (I’m looking at you Search.)

The boys have been tested and monitored approximately every six months. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, about 5% of children born before 32 weeks have hearing loss by the time they are 5 years old. Because tiny babies do not yet have mature auditory systems. And their tiny ears are particularly vulnerable to damage.

So how’d the muppets do? Continue reading



Disney Wicki

Me: Can I have a hug?

Search: No. <Eye roll. Puts nose back in book.>

Me: Want me to read you a story?

Search: No. <Eye roll. Puts nose back in book.>

Me: <Using my mom voice.> Destroy Anthony! Get off of that table. We do not scale coffee tables. Get down. <Destroy begins wailing.>

Search: Uh oh…<Cackle.>

Me: Can you show brother how to go down the slide?

Search: No. <Runs over to slide. Dives down slide head first.> NOOO!

Me: Are you ready for bed? Do you want to go night night?

Search: No. <Scampers over to stairs and starts climbing.>

Me: I thought you said “No.”

Search: No ni ni! <Sticks thumb confidently in mouth. Curls up into little ball.>

Jon: Wow. He really is COMPLETELY your child.

Search: <Sly smirk. Giggle. Cackle.> EhhhhhhOliana dodoh bababah mo mymo MIKEWAZOWSKI!

Me: He totally said Mike Wazowski!

Jon: I really don’t understand you…