Tag Archives: PTSD

Return to Department 390

Warning: This post may contain a dose of TMI for the feint of heart. I had tiny twins. I have no modesty left. Read at your own risk.

I had a doctor’s appointment last week. I was drug seeking. The time had come to seek birth control. Continue reading


XO Jane – Post Partum PTSD

It Happened To Me: I Had Post-Partum PTSD. My twin boys were born by C-section at 27 weeks. I was desperately hoping for a third trimester, but failed.

Apologies for a post that is a bit of a downer on Father’s Day. But the goal of this blog (and all the other articles I write about parenting) is to celebrate our adorable muppets – and all we have gone through to get this far.

Today xoJane, an online women’s magazine, published my story. Continue reading



Maxwell Carter Harrison

Maxwell Carter was born last Sunday at a healthy 6lbs. 12oz. He was full term. I couldn’t wait to meet him; and I was thrilled with the prospect of seeing a newborn without any wires.

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