Tag Archives: playtime

A Cinderella Story

Cinderella Movie

You think I’m about to tell you a story about over-working young children, forcing the youth of the house to bear the burden of unwanted chores. However, with the exception of the poor abused laundry machine forced to scrub the soiled garments of twins who refuse to potty train, this is a tale of the Walt Disney Classic. Continue reading

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Pig Pen and the Flying Leap

Felix Baumgartner leapt from space today. Destroy was impressed. Grandpa texted, “We’d love to have you and the boys come over to pick pumpkins.” These events are related.

Aww…we’d love to! I was impressed that they’d successfully cultivated pumpkins in their backyard. I had visions of my little muppets hugging tiny pumpkins in a sweet family Kodak moment. Then I remembered I have little boys. And for one to have a garden, there must be a plethora of dirt. Continue reading


When Mommy’s Away, The Muppets Will Play

A snippet sampling of what the muppets have been up to:

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Movement Exploration

Last night we trooped over to our Parks & Rec community center for our first Movement Exploration class.

“Movement Exploration provides parents and their children the opportunity to explore their world, meet new friends, and develop motor skills in a colorful and playful environment through songs, creative play, social time, and an occasional simple arts and crafts project. Class for 10-18 MONTHS is designed for wobbly walkers. Balance and motor skills are developed.” Continue reading


My Son is Not a Ninja

Midway through a conference call with England this morning, my phone buzzed.

Hi Mom!

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