Tag Archives: patience

Fun with Fishing

Caden fishing

Search and Destroy received fishing rods for their birthday. So this past weekend, we headed to a local pond where a friend had assured us fish were practically leaping out of the water to eat bait.

“That was the thing about nature: make one lousy rule to describe it and it’ll contradict you even if it has to transmogrify and metamorphosize and bust its ass to do it.”
– The River Why, David James Duncan
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An Open Letter to my Sons on Their Third Birthday

Letter to my sons

Time really is ethereal – something simply in the eye of the beholder. When we began our journey, three months took a lifetime; it seems surreal that it’s now been three years.

Three years ago doctors talked to me in hushed tones of couched optimism. I mourned the loss of what should have been instead of celebrating your arrival. But this year I looked forward to Memorial Day. It’s time to look forward to all of your milestones, instead of back on the ones we missed. Continue reading