Tag Archives: mother’s day

Happy Mother’s Day. I Might Have P-neumonia


It was supposed to be a footloose, fun and fancy-free girl’s weekend on the beach. We’d been planning our getaway for almost six months. Because when you’re a mom, these things take time to organize.

It was supposed to be. It was not. Continue reading


Mother’s Day Activities

G.G. hated Mother’s Day. She viewed it as a mass-market sales ploy for the greeting card industry. I can’t say I disagree – it’s very similar to how I’ve always felt about Valentine’s Day.

At best, I’d say I’m indifferent. Because, you see, I’m a mother every day.

Nevertheless, we had a special mommy and muppets day chalk full of activities: Continue reading


Bumps, Bruises and Bodily Fluids

The plan was to double date on a picnic with Grandma Nancy. Unfortunately, Mother Nature (being a mother herself) was sleeping in and waiting for breakfast in bed. Continue reading