Tag Archives: monsters

Monsters on the Wall


I heard moaning and the distinct floor creeks announcing the urgent pitter-patter of little feet racing toward me. When I blearily looked at the clock red fuzzy lines across my room, they formed somewhat of a 4 a.m. shape.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! I hafta go pee pee!!!” a potty-dancing Destroy whimpered. He darted into the bathroom and I waved him back to bed with a hug. I thought that was the end of that.

It wasn’t. Continue reading

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Happy Halloween: Disguises through the years


Another year, another adorable terrible twosome.

In need of power, no longer through the screams of a child, but through the bouncing-off-the-wall energy  of 3-year-olds who have discovered that by going to door and simply looking adorable, neighbors will willingly hand over candy.

In the words of Destroy (after canvassing the street in search of porch lights), “I need to go home now. I need to go to my house and eat all the candy in my pumpkin.” Continue reading

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The Great Target Tantrum of 2013


Yes. Yes I was *that* mom in Target.

With two trantruming twins impressively flinging themselves about. The cart carrying them, with wheels already off-kilter, jerking in unnatural directions. Continue reading