Tag Archives: little league

Little League: Observations of Coach Pitch


When Major League Baseball kicked off the 2016 season, my sons insisted we watch the San Jose Sharks game instead of the Oakland Athletics’ game 2. I immediately questioned all genetics.

But still, I could tell there was minor improvement and enhanced interest occurring on the diamond. Coach-pitch, albeit still in the t-ball category in terms of Little League division designation, showed some impressive development. Continue reading

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The Coach-Pitch Kerfuffle


As spring wraps its warm arms around the end of winter, talented athletes toss a ball into their gloves repeatedly, anxiously awaiting The Call. For major leaguers, the draft is held in June.

For Little League Coach-Pitch level, that draft is February.

I’ve been anxiously awaiting The Call. Pitchers and catchers reported to the show last week, right around the same time Bay Area winter temperatures hit the low 90s. Baseball is officially back for the 2016 season. Continue reading

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The Heat is On: T-ball Game Two

Tball_Game 2_03-14-15_04

While much of the country continues to defrost from Snowpocolpsye the Sequel, someone went ahead and turned on the summer here in Northern California. The mercury reached 87 (or rather the app on my iPhone told me that was how hot it was) as the boys suited up for another run around the diamond. Continue reading

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Little League Opening Day. A Play-by-Play

Baseball cards

<Please read in your best Vin Scully voice.>

Thank you for joining us out here today. I know we’ve all been eagerly looking forward to Little League 2015 opening day! Continue reading

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Play Ball (Kinda)   

Baseball Cleats_01-18-15

The one constant through all the years, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again.

And through it all, the foundation has been built on the utter chaos that is t-ball. Search and Destroy are heralding in the spring of 2015 with their first season of Little League. Continue reading

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Chowdown at Five Guys

FiveGuys Saloon

Like an old western television serial, we pushed open the doors to the burger joint. It was lunch for the taking.

The clock was about to chime high noon. The countdown was upon us to feed small people and get them to nap before meltdown. Every man (or mom) for himself. Continue reading