Tag Archives: karma

My Mini Me

My terms

While one whirling dervish flung himself off stacks of mats and hurled himself up and over a balance structure twice his height – proudly chanting “POMMEL HORSE” at the top of his lungs, our other son was quiet.

This was not our most stellar gymnastics class outing. Continue reading


Shawshank Redemption (toddler style)

Get busy living, or get busy dying.

From the moment they were born, the muppets made their intentions known – definitively declaring their decision to get busy living, regardless of the obstacles placed in front of them (like breathing). Continue reading


Mother of all Tantrums

@HonestToddler: Pre-bedtime hysterics! Amiright? Going out in a blaze of cray cray!

I am aware I was not the most subdued of children. I’ve offered to let my mom take to these here interwebs to provide her memoirs on my adventurous toddler years. She politely demurred. Noting that nothing good could come of that little endeavor. (So that gives you a brief idea.) Continue reading


Lessons Learned

I’ve been told I was a bit mischevious as a small person – determined, independent with a wee bit of a stubborn streak. But come on, does that picture say anything other than sweet and innocent little angel to you?

This evening I learned the past is never far behind us… Continue reading