Tag Archives: heartbreak

Until We Meet Again


Sometimes life takes a turn and you are left with no words with which to express your emotion. When you are a writer, this can pose a problem.

I first “met” Diana from Hormonal Imbalances on Twitter. She had just been admitted to the hospital; her water had broken at 18 weeks gestation with her twin boys. From there on out, I was emotionally attached to her story. I wanted those boys to make it. I wanted her to hold on and defy the statistics – if for no other reason than to show hospital administrators up for thinking her an emotional pregnant basket case.   Continue reading

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Haircuts and Heartbreak

Big week for the graduating class of 2012. It’s finals week in the toddler room.

Will they eat all the food provided from the school kitchen? Can they successfully drink out of big boy cups? How will the transition to the new class go? Will they remember to come home in their own pants? (That last one proved a resounding No.) Continue reading