Tag Archives: gluten-free

Apple Cake Good Enough for the Pope (Happy Thanksgiving)

Apple Cake

What it’s supposed to look like

Over the river 210 freeway and through the woods, to grandmother’s house we went. The muppets and I ventured to Lake Arrowhead in the San Bernardino Mountains for Thanksgiving this year. Continue reading

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The Cornbread Stuffing Caper

Expiration for the Week

Ten years ago I was home from college, rifling through the refrigerator looking for sustenance. Hidden in the back corner I found a jar of Jet Puffed MarshMallow Whip. The expiration date was 1988.

My mother has never liked food. Cookies in our house were generally of the sugar-free, salt-free, cholesterol-free, sodium-free, fat-free, taste-free variety. AuntJ has oft visited the annals of San Fernando Valley familial homestead only to announce, “Ok. Let’s go get some actual food.” Continue reading


A Kahlua and Kix Commercial

While the muppets frolicked in the living room, I set about making the famous Kahlua brownies for AuntJ.

Hey – the Whiskey cupcakes turned out well. And these delectables I’d successfully made before. J passed on the recipe after a particularly tough term paper episode back in college. Because nothing makes a girl feel better than alcoholic brownies. Well, not much… Continue reading