Tag Archives: Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July!

Independence Day

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Things Explode When You Keep Toddlers Up Way Past Bedtime (or Fourth of July Fireworks)


Fireworks had the potential to start long before dark. The fourth of July is my parents wedding anniversary. 2013 marks 35 years.

And over this long holiday weekend, the muppets and I decided to grandmother’s house we go. Actually, we made the trek to the San Bernardino Mountains for some lake patrol fun in the sun. My family has been coming here for years – it was one of G.G’s favorite places as a little girl, and GrammaJ and Papa have had the mountain house since I was about 7. Continue reading

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Winecone Wednesday – Independence Day Edition

Well if this wasn’t the easiest edition to come up with. It’s the Fourth of July! Hang up your flag, fire up the grill and have a chill holiday celebrating the birth of our nation.

In true patriotic style, today’s winecones are thrown in true classic American style. Baseball, PB&J sandwiches, apple pie, red, white and blue Jello (with whipped cream) and hours spent in the pool to ward off 100-degree heat. (What – isn’t that how you do it?)

My parents also have an outdoor grill and firepit in their back yard. You may think this is a recipe for a tradition beer and burgers bash. But no. My family is different. Case in point: Continue reading

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Celebration Worthy of Independence

Last year the muppets celebrated the Fourth of July by preparing to move into a shared crib. Jon and I came home from the NICU and climbed to our roof to watch fireworks lighting the night sky in celebration of how far the little dudes had come. Continue reading