Tag Archives: ears

Listening Ears


Destroy has always had a bit of an impulsive side to him.

From out of nowhere you’ll hear a primal yell. You’ll feel the walls shudder around you; what was once order will suddenly become a cacophony of chaos – disarray resulting from a category 5 hurricane muppet. Toys strewn in his wake surrender to the playroom battlefield as a 38-pound Godzilla conquers the northeast end of his home. Continue reading


Can You Hear Me Now?

One month ago Muppets were off to the hearing clinic for preemie follow up. I was really hoping they didn’t put significant effort into fooling the audiologists with their ninja-like ability to ignore anything that doesn’t capture their interest. (I’m looking at you Search.)

The boys have been tested and monitored approximately every six months. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, about 5% of children born before 32 weeks have hearing loss by the time they are 5 years old. Because tiny babies do not yet have mature auditory systems. And their tiny ears are particularly vulnerable to damage.

So how’d the muppets do? Continue reading