Tag Archives: conference

Because Mommy is Apparently Still a Threat to National Security

Friday afternoon I sat across from my punk ass colleague dear friend who had been with me on my prior…um… encounter with HOMELAND SECURITY. He decided it was necessary to regale everyone else who happened to be sitting in the company conference corraller with my story. (But who am I to judge – I AM posting these delightful anecdotes for the world to see.)

“Don’t forget socks,” he concluded smugly. Continue reading


TechMom Tuesday: Devices and the Mommy Blogger (Unrelated to Toddler Restraints)

It’s Tuesday! You know what that means? I’ve been hanging out over at AlliOSNews. To talk about my geekery over all things Apple.

Which reminds me. As I’ve read all the recap posts about the intense BlogHer12 Conference, my favorite comment came from Scary Mommy:

“Reading all the #blogher12 posts about “cool girls” makes me laugh. Hello, it was a blogging conference — NONE of us are all that cool.”

So. Without further ado… Continue reading


One of the Many Voices: A BlogHer12 Recap

#BlogHer12 was trending nationally on Twitter and it may have seemed like the entire Internet was at the world’s largest blogging conference. So who were all of these women who were able to drop everything and fly across the country (after finding time to pack) for a BLOGGING conference? (I mean, come on – it’s blogging.)

5,000 women descended upon the New York Hilton for the grand carnival of discussing the craft of spewing ones thoughts into the digital ether. Continue reading


Voices of the Year

This is a Yay Me post. If that bothers you, come back tomorrow to see if I’ve done something like flash the church parking lot or dropped my child on his head.

BlogHer is a community and media company created in partnership with women in social media. I’m kind of enamoured with it. I’m a women in social media! It’s a place for people of all different walks of life and experience to come together and share their stories. Continue reading