Tag Archives: cars

TechMom Tuesday: Voltron the Zippy Locks Me Out


* This post was originally published on ClintonFitch.com. Continue reading

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The Doppelganger


There is a boy next door the boys have befriended. I was thrilled to find a family lived close to us, as I think it’s an important rite of childhood to run amok with the local youth of the neighborhood.

Both boys were eager for their first play date. “Can we go play with Pacman now?” This was only exacerbated by Pacman’s propensity to roll up to the edge of our driveway on his PowerWheel motorcycle and honk his horn. Continue reading

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Discussing the Future of Public Safety on a Saturday Morning

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This sunny Saturday morning saw the following discussion in the roles public safety professionals play in our lives.

Also, Jon will be teaching Destroy how to drive.

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The House of Mouse (or “YAY! GRAMMA!” )


Yes folks, we went to Disneyland. HONEY! I’M HOME! With the exception of that rather unfortunate second birthday party appearance of “Mickey Mouse” I’ve always been a Disney girl. To me – it’s the happiest place on earth.

Although I would like to take this moment to clarify. Disneyland is a theme park. Not an amusement park. It is meant for the ethereal experience, not cheap thrill rides that go upside down and make you feel sick to your stomach. Continue reading


The Piston Cup Race to Work

“Okay, here we go.
Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner, forty-two losers. I eat losers for breakfast.
Breakfast? Maybe I should have had breakfast? Brekkie could be good for me.
No, no, no, focus. Speed. Faster than fast, quicker than quick.
I am Lightning.”

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