Tag Archives: business trip

Baseball Heroes (kind of)

Vegas Baseball

I like baseball. This may be genetic.

The day the muppets were born, my mom sent me a note that she knew the boys would okay. Because they were born on the 28 – the number of former Dodger Wes Parker. Continue reading

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Back to the Grind

Criminalize Decaf

Being away on business travel is a mixed blessing.

Even if the “meetings” or “conference” is held during set hours, let’s face it – when you travel for work the company owns you those days.

God bless the technology that let’s your husband send you video of your child’s first words… (Yeah. That happened. First time I ever left the little stinkers.) Continue reading


Further Proving I Should Not Have Traveling Privileges


Business trips are hard. They’re long, you’re away from home, and you have to be “on” for what feels like 24/7 (even if it’s really only 20/4).

I’ve been cavorting about in Orlando and NOT seeing the house of mouse. (Although I did get made fun of when I insisted on wearing a Ravenclaw shirt at dinner as protest for having an adult dinner discussing technology instead of playing hooky and checking out the Wizarding World of Harry Potter – but I digress.) Continue reading


Hello City

5 states. 4 days. 3 hotels. 2 red-eyes. 1 very exhausted me. I hit the East Coast for a business trip last week. What a ride. Hello city!

I took the red-eye flight out of San Jose into Boston. It turned out to be a pretty uneventful flight. When I stumbled into Hotel #1 at 6 a.m., the employees were altogether far too chipper for me. “Can we get you some coffee, a paper? Perhaps some water?” I think I smiled. I don’t really remember. I just wanted the key to my room.

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