Tag Archives: blogher

TechMom Tuesday: OneDay at a Time


I write a monthly column over at AlliOSNews. It’s a techie site – extolling all the goodies and gunpowder on the Apple OS. (SHINY TOY!) I’m TechMom. And these are my stories on how technology is really used. This is what you must deal with, as I am a Silicon Valley nerd by day.

I’m well aware it’s Thursday. TechMom Tuesday is typically published the first Tuesday of every month, and this month I’m sharing a cool new app I discovered at the BlogHer 14 conference. I reserve the right to rant more or less as the technical goings-on, well…go on. Continue reading

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So You Want to Publish a Book?



Last week I attended BlogHer 14 – the 10th annual conference for women in the blogosphere (and anyone else interested in attending). Continue reading


Blogging for the Love of It

I just got all caught up on HBO’s Newsroom. Mind. Blown. Love that show – passion, power and general awesomeness. You see, 20 years ago I saw the movie Broadcast News and decided that would one day be me. I was going to tell stories.

As the media landscape changes at breakneck speed, I’ve seen op eds decrying the death of news and broadcast media. Steve Tobak of CBS recently tackled the question “Is ‘Do What You Love’ Good Career Advice?”

Now, I don’t claim to be an expert (I only have two degrees in communication studies), but isn’t that what we bloggers do? Storytelling. Granted, this blog isn’t what I do for a living, but the concept sure is close. Continue reading


TechMom Tuesday: Devices and the Mommy Blogger (Unrelated to Toddler Restraints)

It’s Tuesday! You know what that means? I’ve been hanging out over at AlliOSNews. To talk about my geekery over all things Apple.

Which reminds me. As I’ve read all the recap posts about the intense BlogHer12 Conference, my favorite comment came from Scary Mommy:

“Reading all the #blogher12 posts about “cool girls” makes me laugh. Hello, it was a blogging conference — NONE of us are all that cool.”

So. Without further ado… Continue reading


Welcome Home. We Pooped.

Last night was the end of my New York Adventure. (More about that later.) I got back to my room at 9:30 and decided I was exhausted and done. Shortly thereafter I found myself at the hotel bar getting to know some seriously awesome fellow bloggers late into the night.

This morning I awoke FAR too early so I could catch a flight back to the Golden State and reality. The sunrise greeted me with several new tweets from my new friends. Continue reading


Winecone Wednesday – New York State of Mind Edition

It’s here.

A year ago I saw the flood of tweets on the BlogHer conference and thought it sounded fabulous. I don’t “know” (in the face-to-face sense anyway) a single soul going. And it’s happening in Manhattan.

I decided to take the plunge and sign up for something that could be so totally smackaroo-able or just a week of wineconing in the making. Continue reading

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Book Review: What Alice Forgot

Disclaimer: This was a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own. (And yes, I was allowed to dislike the book. But I didn’t.)

Have you ever found yourself amid the mundane of your routine and suddenly thought to yourself that this tiny unremarkable moment may be worth noting? Continue reading


Voices of the Year

This is a Yay Me post. If that bothers you, come back tomorrow to see if I’ve done something like flash the church parking lot or dropped my child on his head.

BlogHer is a community and media company created in partnership with women in social media. I’m kind of enamoured with it. I’m a women in social media! It’s a place for people of all different walks of life and experience to come together and share their stories. Continue reading


Book Review: The Weird Sisters

Disclaimer: This was a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own. (And yes, I was allowed to dislike the book. But I didn’t.)

“There is no problem a library card can’t solve.”

This was the back cover hook, and a philosophy with which I wholeheartedly agree. The book came in the mail. A small white package – with my name on it. My book club book had arrived. The Weird Sisters, by Eleanor Brown. Continue reading