Tag Archives: bath

Bath Time Bail Out

Forget it. I'm out.

Forget it. I’m out.

Boys at age 4 are wiggly. This makes some of our routines a bit of a gymnastics exercise.

Last night, the muppets splished and splashed their way through bath time. Once the bathroom was thoroughly flooded – meaning the balance of water was out of the tub rather than in – it was time for pajama wrestling. Continue reading

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Welcome Home. We Pooped.

Last night was the end of my New York Adventure. (More about that later.) I got back to my room at 9:30 and decided I was exhausted and done. Shortly thereafter I found myself at the hotel bar getting to know some seriously awesome fellow bloggers late into the night.

This morning I awoke FAR too early so I could catch a flight back to the Golden State and reality. The sunrise greeted me with several new tweets from my new friends. Continue reading


Babies, Berries and Baths

US Weekly

Tuesday night was another frantic muppet caper. I closed down my cubicle at work and ran for the hills – also known as driving across the Silicon Valley at high speeds to pick up the boys on time.

Search and Destroy greeted me at the pickup gate with giant grins and outstretched arms. Who could resist such heart-meltyness. I hugged them both. In my white blouse. After their afternoon snacktime. Which happened to be blackberries.

This may explain Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Golden Globes outfit… Continue reading