Comments on: Ghost Light Fri, 13 Jul 2012 14:43:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mom Off Meth Fri, 13 Jul 2012 14:43:18 +0000 We didn’t have ghosts. But I have had twins. Yes, two toddlers in bed does not work. Although I did it many a night. Good luck mama. This too shall pass.

By: Stephanie Fri, 13 Jul 2012 12:44:29 +0000 We had (my parents probably still do) a ghost that would hide things all the time. Rings would disappear for years to suddenly appear for no reason. Stuff I knew I left on my bed would be gone, but right where I left it when I returned to my room later. My mom once saw it. Out of the corner of her eye she saw my sister go from her room to my parents’ room. A few minutes later my sister came out of her room. My mom had seen the ghost. The ghost also used to lock my sister in the bathroom. I used to wake up from a sound sleep swearing I’d heard someone calling my name. All very odd stuff that could never be explained.

We also had a ghost in our church, assumed to be an elderly woman who had died, but had been the church organist many years before. I was with the choir director in the church office after practice one night when her kids ran in to say that the organ was playing. We brushed it off and sent them back to play. After a few more repeats of this I went with the kids to check it out. Sure enough, the organ was playing long, low notes that would change periodically. I went back and told the choir director that the organ was playing. She looked at us like we were crazy, but went with us. She walked across the church sanctuary and said she didn’t hear anything. We could still hear it. She got halfway across the sanctuary when the music suddenly stopped. We all booked it out of there and went home.
