Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Why Our Dogs Flunked Obedience School

Jon: Our dog ate an entire box of packing peanuts. Do I need to bring him in?

Vet: Packing peanuts?

Jon: Yes – those Styrofoamy twisty things they put in boxes to protect stuff. Continue reading


Hockey: Soccer with Sticks?

I attended my very first hockey game last night – at the San Jose Shark Tank amid of sea of teal. I have never seen a hockey game before. Mostly, because it is not baseball.

For one of our very first dates, Jon and I got good seats to a baseball game. We sat through it in an almost reverent silence – there was no chatting/get to know you banter. Game was on!

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I’ve hit a mental block; I don’t think I can be anyone else today. So here’s a little bit of me.

What’s the opposite of, “Did you miss me?” It’s probably, “Are you sick of me yet?”

You’ve probably noticed (since I know you all eagerly read this blog first thing every morning) that, for the past month, there has been a post Every. Single. Day. Continue reading


A Very Merry Muppet

Statler: I always dreamed we’d be back here.
Waldorf: Dreams? Those were nightmares!

Come on, you had to know this post was coming.

The Muppets have been back in town three days. I looked for a Tuesday night Northern California midnight showing; I was unsuccessful. I tried to coerce colleagues, family and friends to play hooky on Wednesday and take in a movie with me. They all said no. Continue reading

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Marvelous Night for a Moondance

Do you feel a Nervous Tic Motion coming on? Take a moment and reflect on where you are and where you’re going. And please – share your own stories.

Do you ever sit back and take stock of your life – trying to recall the little moments that brought you this far? Do you ever wonder what life would have been like if you’d turned left instead of right?

Sometimes we forget the little things, how it is the simplest decisions that lead us down the twisting path of life. Continue reading


The Rainbow Connection

I got a message from my cousin yesterday – she’d found The Muppets: The Green Album. Along with deliciously caffeinated overpriced coffee-like drinks, Starbucks is also selling hipster music albums these days.

How could I pass up THE MUPPETS? “An assortment of today’s top artists put a twist on familiar selections from The Muppet songbook.” Continue reading


Hahvad Yahd

I’m in Boston. (One if by land, two if by sea!) It’s a work thing.

Today, we got lost. (I know – you’re shocked.) Tonight, I am exhausted. Tomorrow, stories will follow.  Continue reading

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Barenaked Ladies

I was quite the rebel last night. I went out. On a school night! Because Barenaked Ladies make any evening better.

For those of you questioning the repeated barenaked mentions in this post so far – they are a band. My favorite band, to be more specific. And last night, I headed for the hills to see them perform live. On a Monday! Look at me living large! Continue reading


Dichotomy of a Day

In honor of the Labor Day holiday, I did not work on Friday. (I don’t work tomorrow either, but that’s not here yet so I haven’t got any stories about it.)

So Jon and I went to the range. I initially suggested we spend our day together mini-golfing, but Jon turned up his nose a bit at that. I suggested we go skeet shooting instead. Did you know that shotguns are really heavy? Continue reading


Secret Identity

My phone buzzed, “Let’s retire and start an island business.” I didn’t blink twice. “Sold. When do we start? I’ll pack now.”

The house is quiet right now – sound-tracked by the clicking of my keyboard, two large snoring dogs (one comfortably lounging on his back, legs splayed to the world) and the faint buzz of the baby monitor humming a Disney classical playlist. Continue reading