Category Archives: Destroy

An Introduction to Athletics

So the boys have Hand, Mouth and Foot Disease (HMFD). Yay.

(Not to be confused with hoof-and-mouth disease – which afflicts well, animals with hooves.) I have been assured that HMFD is a common childhood virus of the coxsackievirus genre (capable of taking out an entire preschool class in a single afternoon).

HMFD. Making cherubic toddlers look like acned teenagers.

Aside from a severely cranky night-owl creating an up-all-night Zombie Dad, by this afternoon both boys were showing signs of going stir crazy in quarantine. It was a gorgeous spring day. The whole family could probably use some fresh air. Continue reading

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The gate to baby jail the living room was ajar. We’re trying to see if the muppets are capable of conducting themselves with a moderate sense of decorum in larger household arenas. Ok fine, we’re monitoring closely to make sure they don’t kill themselves or anyone else in the near vicinity.

Destroy wandered over and pointed at the jogging stroller. “No sweetie, not right now. Daddy’s cooking dinner and Mommy’s being lazy.” Continue reading


The Penalty Box

There are certain actions not tolerated in our household (or at school, hence a prior plethora of incident reports). Bad behavior leads to a stint in the penalty box. Time. Out.

“You do that, you go to the box.
Two minutes, by yourself and you feel shame.
And then you get free.”
Slap Shot Continue reading

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Potty Mouths of Preschoolers

Disclaimer: Yes, I know the boys aren’t *technically* in preschool. They’re in the toddler class at daycare. Prior to having kids I was just as judgey about parents using “school” for where the tiny tots spend their days. But they are *at* a school. And that’s just easier to say. Plus, preschool worked better for the title of this post.

Also, this post contains language inappropriate for family-oriented audiences. It’s all in pursuit of accurate reporting on the muppets’ development. They said it. Not me.

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Flights of Fancy (and a desperate desire for shoes)

Much like Scout the big black dog, Destroy collected all the shoes this morning.When his little arms were full, he toddled toward me chanting, “Shoe! Shoe! Shoe!”

In what I thought was a standard assumption, I took the shoes he offered out of his hands – promising we’d put them on just as soon as he put his pants on. This was not a popular decision with a certain toddler prone to tantrums thrown with dramatic flare.

He flung himself to the floor, flopping around like a floundering fish, moaning and wailing in a terrifically awesome muppet meltdown. “SHOOOOOEESSS,” he screamed amid his sobs and distinctly unhappy wiggles. Continue reading

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A Rough and Tumble Day

The morning brought about a neighborhood walk. We wrestled with the dogs before nap and then filled their little tummies with lunch. An excursion to the park was to follow in the afternoon. The end-goal: Exhaust the little ones.

Spring is here. And it was a beautiful day. The muppets were showing signs of stir-craziness. So we ventured forth into the great outdoors. Search and Destroy have demonstrated a recent penchant for playing with sticks.

Remember that old nursery rhyme about snips and snails and puppy dog tails? I’ll decode that for you. Boys = noise with dirt. Continue reading


Feel (Find or Fear) the Teal

We’re a baseball family – bleeding Dodger blue and/or enjoying Green Collar baseball. (Different leagues. Don’t judge me.) But one of the muppets little friends had himself a San Jose Sharks hockey party today.

Now taking the ice: No. 2, Jackson Sawyer. Continue reading


A Kahlua and Kix Commercial

While the muppets frolicked in the living room, I set about making the famous Kahlua brownies for AuntJ.

Hey – the Whiskey cupcakes turned out well. And these delectables I’d successfully made before. J passed on the recipe after a particularly tough term paper episode back in college. Because nothing makes a girl feel better than alcoholic brownies. Well, not much… Continue reading


Kiss Me. I’m Irish

I actually am. 50/50 people. Irish/Italian, baby.

Momma Be Thy Name noted, “There is No Such Thing as Half-Italian.” And she certainly has a point. Growing up, I always associated far more with my Italian heritage. Mostly because I am first generation American on that side. (You’ve seen some of the comments posted by GrampaStavo – that’s seriously how he sounds folks.)

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How to Be a Superhero

As you know, the muppets lead not-so-secret lives as superheroes. Of course they have their secret identities. Don’t all the superheroes? Because really, who wants the pressure of being super all the time? (It’s hard being a million dollar miracle muppet.)

Much like the secret life of any superhero, certain situations call for the supersuit. (“Honey?! Where’s my supersuit? … Because I need it!”) And it is then that our hero perseveres – even in the face of a villain trying to thwart them of their powers. Continue reading