Category Archives: Current Events

Toddler Speak

Mahi Mahi was on the menu for dinner tonight. Both muppets chowed down in a serious teenage-boy-in-training fashion, while Finding Nemo played in the background.


(Yes, I fed my children fish while their anthropomorphized dinner just kept swimming on the screen. I know. Mother. Of. The. Year.)

It’s crazy how big they are now. They’re like real little people. It’s just completely… Continue reading


The Little iPhone That Could

A little smartphone had a large database of apps to run.

She was a happy little phone. For she had calendars and contacts to remember. Sports stats and games. There was iBooks, Flipboard, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to socialize with. Instagram and Snapseed edited photos while Mail and Messages shared them with friends. Continue reading


FISHIES: Boys to the Beach

Today’s post is brought to you by JON!

The boys set off an excursion to the Monterey Bay Aquarium today, with bold plans to play with fishies, penguins and otters. I had to work.

Guess what sounds more fun?

I made Jon promise to take lots of pictures. And also notes. Because the blog fodder wasn’t going to suddenly appear whilst I toiled away in my beige-ish cubicle (with a distinct lack of muppets and aquatic animals). He was thrilled. Continue reading


The Zombie Apocalypse

Rest easy. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has assured the general public that zombies are not coming to eat our brains.

“‘CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms),’ wrote agency spokesman David Daigle in an email to The Huffington Post.” Continue reading


Replete with Righteous Indignation

Back in the day, important paperwork was Xeroxed and then filed accordingly. Photos were printed and stuffed into boxes to be album-ized later (once the time was found to find the one good shot out of the 23 headless misfires).

Now it’s all digital. With the possibility of vanishing forever with a single speck of errant dust. Continue reading


Book Review: Preemie: Lessons in Love, Life, and Motherhood

In 2000, Kasey Mathews had a daughter. Her world turned upside down. Because, if you couldn’t tell by the title, her daughter was premature.

Mathews gently welcomes you to her tale contained within this book’s pages by mentioning that she once longed for someone to sit on the edge of her bed, and share their story. But that woman never came. Continue reading


Mother’s Day Activities

G.G. hated Mother’s Day. She viewed it as a mass-market sales ploy for the greeting card industry. I can’t say I disagree – it’s very similar to how I’ve always felt about Valentine’s Day.

At best, I’d say I’m indifferent. Because, you see, I’m a mother every day.

Nevertheless, we had a special mommy and muppets day chalk full of activities: Continue reading


Behind Every Statistic is a Story

In college I lived with four girls in an apartment. I was known for running into the living room hallway to tell my stories. It was my little spotlight.

We’ve since grown up and moved away from our little starter apartment. But I’m still telling stories. And today I’m using this blog as my spotlight.

To share the statistics.

Because we are the story behind them. Continue reading

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Anti-Social Social Mediator

I have oft been accused of always having my nose in my phone. I assure you, I can stop whenever I want. (I just don’t want to.)

In fact, just the other day, I went a good three hours between playing with electronic devices. (Granted, this was the first half of a cross-country flight at 6 a.m. and I promptly activated an iPad to watch a movie when I woke up.) Continue reading


Hello World. I Have a Mental Illness

I climb the walls of my mind just like I’m climbing on a jungle gym. I am more than content with the
state of mind I am in ’cause I am crazy just like you
I am crazy just like you.

According to results of a study released today, women with a history of migraines are up to 41 percent more likely to develop depression than those lucky enough to avoid the plague of debilitating headaches. Continue reading