Category Archives: Birthday

Happy Birthday Brother

I was really hoping the muppets would be born today. Today is Uncle Paul and G.G’s birthday. I know the day is a bit crowded, but even Uncle Paul had said it would be fun to share.

Twenty-seven years ago Paul arrived early. Not three months early of course, but a couple of weeks. Mom woke up early, but ignored her symptoms because he wasn’t due yet. (Boy do I know that feeling!) Finally, she realized it would be exceedingly prudent to get her pregnant belly to the hospital ASAP.

Twenty-seven(ish) minutes later, I had been rudely removed from mud-pie preschool and had a new baby brother.

Mom called G.G. “Happy Birthday Mom. You have a new grandson.”

During the first few years, I wasn’t terribly thrilled with his presence. Periods of silence in the house would often be followed by the two of us trying to kill each other. How exciting that Search and Destroy have started fighting early. Search kicked his brother in the head while the two were in utero. Destroy laughs at his brother now when he has to have his nasal cannula replaced.

But then, inexplicably, as we got older Paul got less annoying. We traded baseball cards and played catch on summer evenings. (Sorry about that baseball through the back of the Volvo, Dad.) We entertained each other during long nights before birthday or Christmas. We talked about relationships and argued over whose turn it was to monopolize the phone. We fixed Mom’s computer and rolled our eyes at our parents’ general lack of coolness.

I know that someday the muppets will be rolling their little eyes at Jon and me. But I hope that they will think their brother is cool. And they’re certainly lucky to have such a cool uncle! (Even if I’ve always been a tad jealous that he gets to share such a special relationship with our Grandma.)



30 Days and 30 Nights

It’s already been a month since the twins arrived. The time has passed by in the blink of an eye and taken forever at the same time. Have I said that already?

One month old and 32 weeks gestation today. It’s a big day. The boys are doing well – and here’s to their continued positively upward trajectory. Ideally, this is four weeks down with only four more to go. I’d love for the next month to go just as fast.

They get exponentially cuter every day, without fail. I love visiting with them while their eyes are wide open, looking around and taking everything in.

Even I can see how much they’re changing. And I see them twice a day. So, for your viewing pleasure, may I present a month-long progression of my baby boys.

See Search grow! Grow Destroy grow!


Two Weeks

It’s been two weeks since the twins arrived. The time has passed by in the blink of an eye and taken forever at the same time. No, you’re not experiencing déjà vu – this is just how the One Week post began. It still holds true.

Search and Destroy have now been residents of the NICU for the same length of time as my final hospital stay with them. Overall, they are doing really well. There continue to be some of the ups and downs we were warned about, but they don’t get any easier.

Search: Two weeks

Search is very ready to be a big boy. He remains our little mover – scooting around his isolette and practicing pushups. He has taken to arching his back to take a good look at us when we hold him. As Dr. Yuri pointed out, “he has a genetic disposition to make sure everyone is clear about how he feels.” Stubborn and spirited, his brother may be taking cues from him. Unfortunately, this week that meant breathing issues.

Destroy: Two weeks

Destroy has been dealing with a lot of apnea of prematurity this week. This is the medical term that means our baby has stopped breathing. Based on my vast quantities of medical knowledge – gleaned entirely from seasons of ER, Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice – I know that after they make their grand world entrance, babies must breathe continuously to get oxygen. But in our little dudes (since they’re younger than 34 weeks) the part of the brain that controls breathing is not mature enough to remember nonstop breathing is required.

Neither the doctors nor any of the nurses seem to think this is a big deal. Every day they reassure us that he’ll grow out of it. I am beginning to believe them based on his behavior when he is not thoroughly chilling out. In order to give him a little extra oomph, he gets a bit of extra air encouragement. This week, due to an increase in episodes, Destroy got socked with the CPAP.

As noted in the NICU 101 post, the CPAP uses small tubes fitted into Destroy’s nostrils to push a continuous flow of air to help keep tiny air passages in his lungs open. It is usually secured to his head by a ridiculous looking sock hood. Destroy does not like the CPAP. At all. Even a little. In fact, I would venture to state that Destroy hates the CPAP.

Yesterday, it took two nurses to hold the little two-pounder down while the respiratory therapist fitted Destroy with the contraption. According to his nurse, with wax-on wax-off karate kid-like strength, Destroy fought with all of his being to keep the blasted thing off. Yes little man, you are indeed your mother’s son (see Missing: My Sense of Humor post).

Mom and Destroy

Today, he’s back on the nasal cannula. The doctor pointed out he just seems much happier. And by happier, I’m pretty sure she means “not ripping tubes from his nose while howling at the nurses.” When I held him this afternoon, he seemed very content. We have also begun noticing a pattern that many of the apnic episodes occur as Destroy poops. A multi-tasker he is not – of course, given the size of said poops, I suppose his forgetfulness is understandable.

Dad and Search

Since they’re now tolerating full feedings and consuming a whopping 127 calories per day, they are expected to start gaining weight soon (provided they don’t poop out all potential gain). I am more than ready for my little muppets to get bigger. As hard as it is to picture, they’ll allegedly gain more than three pounds over the next month. How funny that we’re excited to see chubby five-pound babies.

In any case, I know there will be many more frustrating phases to deal with. Both now in the NICU and throughout their lives. Gramma J – you got your wish. I have two sons just like me. And I couldn’t be more in love with the stubborn and spirited little men.

Stream Two Week Family Photo


One Big Happy Family

No witty repartee on the blog today. The twins are a week old and I’m exhausted.

So without further ado, may I present to you the first Stream family photo:

Mom and Search, Dad and Destroy

Additional in-depth analysis of this week shall resume some time this weekend.


Press Release: Birthday Boys

And Babies Make Six…
The Stream Family Welcomes Twin Boys


SANTA CLARA, Calif., – May 29, 2010 – Yesterday, Jonathan and Tricia Stream, parents, welcomed twin baby boys into the world at Kasier Santa Clara. Search Welker and Destroy Anthony were delivered at 27.4 weeks by a stellar medical staff of more than 15 professionals, including surgeons, perinatologists, anesthesiologists, nurses and an individual pediatric team for both boys. Continue reading