Category Archives: Birthday

Then and Now

Happy eighth birthday, Muppets. Continue reading

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Then and Now

Happy seventh birthday, Muppets. Continue reading

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Then and Now


Happy sixth birthday, Muppets. Continue reading

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An Open Letter to My Sons on Their Sixth Birthday



I spent the better part of the afternoon on my hands and knees bleaching the bathroom floor. There are people coming over tomorrow for a birthday party and there is pee all over. Age six and aim is not your strong suit.


Your memorial day birthday coincides with the conclusion of kindergarten. For some reason this seems so much older to me. First grade is for big kids. Continue reading


An Open Letter to My Sons on Their Fifth Birthday


Five has always been my lucky number.

So 5-years-old was the age I dreamt about during the early days of our adventure. Especially since the neurological studies kept reminding me that 90 percent of a child’s brain develops throughout the first five years of life. Continue reading


Then and Now


Happy fifth birthday, Muppets. Continue reading

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Turning 5: Danger Zone

Revvin' up your engine Listen to her howlin' roar Metal under tension Beggin' you to touch and go

Revvin’ up your engine
Listen to her howlin’ roar
Metal under tension
Beggin’ you to touch and go

Memorial Day weekend is once again upon us. And as we have for the past four years, it was time to celebrate the unexpected arrival of Search and Destroy.

Wait, what? “Past four years,” you ask? Yes. That first year wasn’t so much a party as a, “Oh shit, what now?” All following years were celebrated because “Oh shit! We made it!” Continue reading


Fingerpaint Threatens Friendship (or this means war)


The mercury stretched toward 90. We were planning beach trip to celebrate the second birthday of the pixie stix.

The boys were outside playing while I packed up our gear. Suddenly I heard an ear-piercing shriek calling my name. Search looked up at me, sidewalk chalk streaked across his face like war paint. Red ooze dripped down his arms like blood. Continue reading

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Listening Ears


Destroy has always had a bit of an impulsive side to him.

From out of nowhere you’ll hear a primal yell. You’ll feel the walls shudder around you; what was once order will suddenly become a cacophony of chaos – disarray resulting from a category 5 hurricane muppet. Toys strewn in his wake surrender to the playroom battlefield as a 38-pound Godzilla conquers the northeast end of his home. Continue reading


Then and Now


Happy fourth birthday, Muppets. Continue reading

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